What we do

BakeTran is an independent baking consultancy renowned for delivering technical solutions and advice worldwide to support product development, process innovation and quality optimisation for bakers, millers and ingredients and equipment suppliers.

As team players, we are known for our strong interpersonal skills and work closely as part of your team bringing knowledge and hands-on experience to support your projects.

Much of our work focuses on project activity, however, we do offer long term consultancy agreements for those clients who would benefit from regular technical advice through our Helpline Service and expert reviews.

Where we work

Our services are provided worldwide and we have long standing relationships with clients throughout Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, Southern Africa, India, China and South East Asia.

Our history

BakeTran was established in 2005 by Stan Cauvain and the late Linda Young (both formerly with the Flour Milling and Baking Research Association (FMBRA) based in Chorleywood, UK, and the Campden & Chorleywood Food Research Association (CCFRA)).

Since then, the company continues to grow and provide world class baking solutions to clients across the globe.

Stan Cauvain

With 35 years at FMBRA and CCFRA (for 10 years he was the Director of the Cereals and Cereal Processing Division) Stan has a wide experience of milling and baking subjects. Before engaging in research, he had commercial experience in flour milling, bread manufacture and product development.

He has written and co-edited 16 books on baking and milling, contributed over 50 book chapters and over 200 scientific and technical articles. He is a regular speaker at cereal science conferences.

Stan received the British Baker Special Achievement Award from the UK baking industry (1998), a Friedrich Schweitzer medal (2004) from the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology for his contribution to cereal science and an Eberhard Paech lifetime achievement award (2009) from the German Baking Industry. He became an Adjunct Professor in the International Institute of Food Security, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia 2015 and was admitted as a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Bakers (London) in 2019.

Rosie Clark

Rosie joined BakeTran in 2014 having previously been Stan’s PA at CCFRA. With her international commercial experience, she became the company’s Business Manager in 2017.

She is responsible for coordinating BakeTran’s services and project activities and managing BakeTran’s tutorial programmes. Rosie is involved in revising milling and baking technical papers and books and co-authored ‘Baking Technology and Nutrition’.

Regina Buswell

Regina joined BakeTran in 2023 as a Food Technology Consultant and is based in Perth, WA. Regina provides practical support to product development projects. She is particularly involved in project work looking at the application of native Australian and local ingredients to bakery products, with a special interest in lupins.

Educated as an Engineer in Food Technology, specialising in cereal science at the TH OWL (Detmold), she later moved to Australia to complete a BSc and Graduate Diploma in Education. In Perth, she had commercial experience in biscuit making, grains research and mentored Masters students during their practical placement.